Morena Room 9 and 9a. Welcome to Thursday - Rapare 7th May.
Mrs Burge or Miss Robertson will email you a code to get into the Google Meet at 9.55am ready for the 10am session and 1.55pm ready for the 2pm session.
Please wait until 10am and 2pm before you join.
Today we have these people sharing their news:
10am session: Issy, Luca and Lily (R9)
2pm session: Kyan, Lucas and Dean.
If we have any spare time other people can share too.
Yesterday, Gabby shared her TV that she had made out of a big cardboard box. We said she should record herself being a newsreader and that's just what she did! Miss Robertson will be (or might have already) adding the video to the student work slidedeck. You should watch it. It is very cool.
Mrs Burge suggested that you bring your favourite toy to the Google Meet today so that they can sit and listen in too.
Miss Piggy will be there watching from Mrs Burge's dining table!
Ka Kite ano - see you again soon!