Friday, 1 May 2020

Student Learning 1.5.2020

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,

As you complete activities from your Distance Learning make sure you send a picture or video to us. We will be able to share it on this slideshow for you all to see what each other have been up to.

You can send your classmates some positive messages in the comment section below the slideshow with some help from your parents.

Check out what Hannah, Issy, Fred, Harry and Lucas have doing!
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Your Mum talked about your family tree when I called her! Great job! Super Maths too!
    Woah! Issy! That strawberry looks delicious. Did it taste good?
    I can't wait to see what a super reader you have become when we get back to school Fred! Awesome job!
    I loved that you sang me the Jolly Phonics song when I called your Mum and Dad too Harry. I am so proud to see that you are keeping up your phonics at home.
    What an awesome picture Lucas, your family look very happy in that car.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. What an enthusiastic bunch of tamariki we have in Room 9/9a. Hannah, Issy Fred, Lucas and Harry thank you so much for showing us your learning. I love your drawing of your whānau Lucas and Harry so great to see you doing Jolly Phonics. We have been singing that song a lot in our house too! Mahi pai! Good work!

  3. Great to see so many Room 9/9a children practising their reading, writing and math. I loved seeing Harry practising the Jolly Phonics slide, as this helps so much with reading and writing. Lots of great activities for Anzac Day and about your families too. well done everyone!

  4. Well Room 9/9A you have been busy. Thank you so much for showing us your learning. Hannah your family trees looks fabulous and you have managed to do lots of other learning too. Issy you'll be an expert on ANZAC in no time and that strawberry looks yummy. Fred I am so excited that you gave the parachute activity a go and that it worked. Great that you are practicing your reading every day. Lucas great to see your work inspired by Mrs Harding and Harry you are getting really good at your Jolly Phonics!

  5. Alison Clyde5/5/20 10:39 am

    Room 9 and 9a, what fantastic learning you all have been doing! I can’t wait to see what you do next!
