Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Today is Tuesday, Rātū the 12th of May

Ata Marie from Miss Robertson

Our Google Meets start again today, one at 10am and the second at 2pm. 
For our Google Meet today bring something that you can wear on your head or in your hair. A hat, a headband, a ribbon or something else! 
Don't forget to send in your photos or videos for us to share on the blog. Thank you to those who have already shared lots!

For our Google Meets this morning we have Jordan, Daniel, Gabby and Hannah sharing news. This afternoon we have Olivia F, Olivia A, and Max sharing news.

Have a fantastic day!


  1. Good morning Miss Robertson! I loved seeing you share C for cat for your alphabet scavenger hunt! It's a fun activity. Have a great day. From Miss White

    1. My Molly likes to make the odd apperance on the blog!

  2. Mrs Harding12/5/20 9:54 am

    Good morning Miss Robertson. What exciting news we received yesterday about us all being allowed to come back to school! I can't wait to see everyone again. I love your floral headband I must go and find something for me to wear to our Google meet. See you soon.

    1. I loved seeing what everyone wore to this morning's Google Meet! Tohu had an awesome Bunny head he wore, it was so funny! I liked your headband too Mrs Harding, it had nice Māori patterns on it.

  3. Mrs Monaghan12/5/20 10:50 am

    That sounds like it will be an interesting Google met today for rooms 9 and 9a. I wonder what kinds of things they will have on their heads?? Have a fun day!

  4. Good Morning Miss Robertson,
    I see we are all thinking about wearing HATS or something on our head. Your floral headband looks very pretty. I like the idea of doing an Alphabet Scavenger Hunt. I have done that with my classes before and it's lots of fun.
    Bye for now, Mrs Smaill

  5. Ata Marie Miss Robertson,
    I wonder what head wear Room 9 and Room 9a will be wearing?
    What a cute cat you have! Mrs Edmonds wishes she had a cat like your Molly.

  6. Room 9a had fun on our Google Meets today after you suggested we wore something on our heads Miss Robertson. I wore a monkeys face which is a pyjama case! I spoke in monkey too! Ooh, ooh, ooh! Ha ha ha ha! It was lots of fun.
    From Mrs Burge

    1. I loved your Monkey head Mrs Burge!! We called you Monkey Burge which was quite funny. I wonder what hats or headbands Room 9 and 9a will be wearing at 2pm??
