Sunday, 17 May 2020

Our last post for Distance Learning.

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,
Thank you for all your wonderful hard work throughout our Distance Learning programme.
You and your family have done a fabulous job!

Have a look at what Caleb and Fred have been up to!

We look forward to welcoming you all back to school tomorrow and continuing our Sunnyhills Shine!!

1 comment:

  1. Caleb, what great work you have done with reading with Abigail. How nice to see a brother and a sister working together.
    That is one amazing wall of paintings Fred! Great job. I bet the balloon experiment was lots of fun to do with your family.
    Miss Robertson and I were super excited to get the classroom ready for you all to come back to school. We couldn't wait to see all of your smiling faces.
    From Mrs Burge
