Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Student Learning 12.5.2020

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,

As you complete activities from your Distance Learning make sure you send a picture or video to us. We will be able to share it on this slideshow for you all to see what each other have been up to.

You can send your classmates some positive messages in the comment section below the slideshow with some help from your parents.

Have a look at what Issy and Jordan have been doing at home.


  1. Great to see Issy having such a lot of fun singing and dancing along to some of the learning slides. Did you enjoy searching for the items in the alphabet scavenger hunt too? Which letter was the most difficult to find something for? Your thoughts about AROHA are very sweet and I love the pictures you drew to show whats special to you. Wow Jordan, I would love to be able to look at the moon through a telescope! It is so big and close at the moment I'm sure you could see the craters clearly.

  2. Alison Clyde12/5/20 5:42 pm

    Issy, I think most of us are having “A Bad Hair Day”! The scavenger hunt looks so much fun and I think some of the letters would have been tricky.
    Jordan, that must have been AMAZING to be able to see the moon!

  3. My goodness Issy you have been so busy we will have to call you 'Busy Issy'!! I was so happy to see you practicing your reo and finding all the things that you relate to AROHA. Kau ma te wehi (Thats fantastic!) I do not think I have seen a telescope that big before Jordan. Lucky you!!!I wonder if you were able to see the craters of the moon through that? Keep up the great work team!

  4. More fabulous work Room 9/9A. Love your Te Reo heart and great to see Issy that you are having such a lot of fun singing and dancing along to some of the slides. Your painted rock is beautiful. Gosh Jordan, you are so lucky to be able to look at the moon through a telescope and see the craters so clearly!

  5. Mrs Monaghan13/5/20 11:30 am

    That is my favourite too Issy, 'A Bad Hair day' and yes Mrs Clyde I agree there has been many of those over the last few weeks! Well done learning your Te Reo Issy, that is really great work. Jordon, how lucky are you! That must of been amazing to see, and then to be able to share with your class. Wouldn't it be interesting to walk on the moon??

  6. Issy, tino pai rawa on your super Maori language learning at home. You have been very busy. Jordan, you are very lucky to have such a cool expereince looking at the craters of the moon through a telescope. I am very interested to know what they would have looked like. You have made me very curious.

  7. I love your work on Aroha Issy! Bad hair day is one of my favourite songs! You have been super busy!
    Looking through the telescope must have been amazing, Jordan! You said you could see the crators of the moon! Wow! That is amazing!
    From Mrs Burge
