Friday, 24 April 2020

Student Learning 24.4.2020

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,

As you complete activities from your Distance Learning make sure you send a picture or video to us. We will be able to share it on this slideshow for you all to see what each other have been up to.

You can send your classmates some positive messages in the comment section below the slideshow with some help from your parents.

Check out what Vida, Harry and Caleb have been up to!


  1. Alison Clyde24/4/20 9:08 pm

    Vida that is beautiful, you must have spent a long time making the wreath.
    Harry mindfulness is so good for everyone to do.
    Caleb, banana muffins, yummy! Well done weighing, mixing and eating them!

  2. Vida, your poppy wreath is beautiful. Well done.
    Relaxing is nice during the lockdown Harry! I might have fallen asleep too if I were you!
    My Mum and I were talking about how she had some bananas and could make banana muffins too Caleb! Unfortunately only my Mum likes banana muffins in our house, so she will be very full if she makes them.
    From Mrs Burge

  3. It's great to see you practising some maths and writing Caleb! I love your ANZAC day wreath Vida, it inspired me to make one too! Maybe I will upload a photo of it too! Harry your drawing of the airplane is awesome!! All that creativity has made you tired! :D
    Miss Robertson

  4. Caleb I an so proud of you practicing some maths and writing! Your ANZAC day wreath is beautiful Vida. Maybe I could make one too! Harry you are looking very relaxed there. Great that you have been practicing your mindfulness.

  5. Good morning Room 9 & 9a, Wow, I love your banana muffins, Caleb! Looks better than mine. Absolutely gorgeous wreath, Vida. You are so clever. I can't wait to see what you have been learning this week. Will check in again soon! Ms Swan

  6. Wow Room 9 and 9a! You have been doing some wonderful learning. Beautiful art, tasty baking and exploring words and letters. Keep it up!

  7. Using magnetic letters and numbers to practise some words and sums is a fun way to learn Caleb. You must have worked really hard to make your ANZAC wreath Vida, it is wonderful. Your mindfulness obviously worked Harry as you were totally relaxed!
