Thursday, 23 April 2020

Thursday 23rd April with Mrs Burge

Hi Everyone, welcome to Thursday's Distance Learning video.

Remember part of your distance learning can also be to keep working on your Reading word lists which are in the back of your home learning books and your Maths number knowledge which is in the home learning books too. Mrs Burge and Miss Robertson can't wait to hear how you are getting on with those. 

Miss Robertson will be making the video for you tomorrow. I will see you again on Monday. 


  1. Mrs Monaghan23/4/20 10:35 am

    Goodmorning Mrs Burge! Big happy birthday to Luca, have a fantastic birthday. I'm sure room 9 will be excited to have you on join them. I love your idea about the photos to share Mrs Burge, I think I might do that with my 'bubble' also! Have a lovely day.

  2. Welcome to Sunnyhills School Luca!
    Today's suggested activities are some of my favourites Mrs Burge. My daughter is helping me to cook our evening meals and I am teaching her our favourite recipes. I loved making forts when I was a child and hiding in them with my friends. Taking photos of your favourite things is a lovely idea. I think I will try that today and share them with my family both here, Canada and the UK.

  3. Morning Mrs Burge! Lovely to see you today. Happy Birthday to Luca!! Welcome to Room 9, we are looking forward to meeting you. Hope you have a great day today turning 5!
    From Miss Robertson

  4. Hi Mrs Burge and Miss Robertson. It looks like Room 9 and 9a are doing lots of fun learning at home. I can't wait until we can do our buddy class again sometime soon!
    From Miss Bycroft

  5. Mrs Churchill23/4/20 12:32 pm

    Kia ora. Well done Mrs Burge on you cheerful informative video this morning. What great suggestions on things to do today. Room 9 and 9A people will be very busy. Enjoy your special day Luca and have fun everyone with your learning.

  6. Hari huri tau (Happy Birthday Luca) Morning Mrs Burge lovely to see you as always. It would be great to see some more of Room 9/9as creations maybe from the Technology slide today.

  7. Good morning Mrs Burge. Happy birthday Luca. I look forward to meeting you when you are able to come to school. I LOVED building forts with my brother when I was small.

  8. Thanks for reminding me about building a fort! Emmerson would love to do this and we could watch a movie and have some popcorn too! From Miss White

  9. A very Happy Birthday Luca! I hope you have a fabulous day. Are you having a special birthday cake?

  10. Good idea, Mrs Burge. I had that idea about remembering to use the Home Learning book activities written down for next week.
