Thursday, 16 April 2020

Student Learning 15.2.2020

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,

As you complete activities from your Distance Learning make sure you send in a picture or video to us. We will be able to share it on this slideshow for you all to see what each other have been up to.

You can send your classmates some positive messages in the comment section below the slideshow with some help from your parents.

Look at what Olivia and Hunter have been up to.
Keep up the awesome work!


  1. I love that nature picture Olivia, it is so cool.
    Hunter, you have made me want to bake cupcakes too! I might have to ask Emily or Lydia to get baking! Yum!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Wow love your artwork that you created Olivia. I bet that cupcakes were delicious Hunter

  3. Keep up the great work guys! love it.

  4. Keep up the great work guys! love it.

  5. So lovely to see you Olivia and Hunter - look at what you have been up to - Tino Pai!

  6. Caleb your tree house looks amazing. I bet that you have been having lots of fun in it. Olivia what a kind thing to do making a welcome poster. Gosh Lucas you certainly have been busy.

  7. Wow Lucas and Olivia, you have been busy beavers! Lots of fun activities happening at your house. From Miss White

  8. Lots of exciting things happening in your home bubbles. I love the garden art Olivia and Hunter's cupcakes look really yummy!

  9. Alison Clyde21/4/20 11:14 am

    Baking and out searching in your garden, well done Olivia and Hunter.
    Mrs Clyde
