Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Mrs Robertson teaches us how to grow an Avocado plant!

Miss Robertson got her mum (Mrs Robertson) to explain how to prepare an avocado seed to sprout into an avocado plant!

Maybe you can try it at home if you have an avocado!


  1. Hi Trish,
    Watch out, Suzy Cato! I see more similarities than the hairstyle and glasses.
    Lovely to see you in your teaching role again. You must be missing school and the kids.
    Take care and see you on the flipside.
    Mrs Smaill x

    1. Hi Mrs Smail, this is Trish. Thanks for your message, I am missing the school environment and kids. Hope all is well in your bubble and see you on the other side :)
      Mrs Robertson

  2. Hi Trish,
    Watch out, Suzy Cato! I see more similarities than the hairstyle and glasses.
    Lovely to see you in your teaching role again. You must be missing school and the kids.
    Take care and see you on the flipside.
    Mrs Smaill x

  3. Thank you for sharing these instructions with us all. Avocado plants are so expensive to buy - I shall definitely give it a try.

    1. You're welcome Mrs Jackman! Good luck with your avocado seed!

  4. I love avocado - when I was growing up we had a huge tree in our garden and I really miss it! Thank you for sharing we will have a go in my house! Mrs Trembath

  5. Hello Mrs Robinson! Oh yay! I love this video. My girls liked watching it also. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Alison Clyde23/4/20 9:51 am

    Got an avocado in the fridge, I’ll give it a try too!

  7. I love the new Room 9/9A presenter! very clear instructions Trish. You have inspired me to give it a whirl. I think you are secretly after Suzy Cato's job. She should be VERY afraid.

    1. Thanks Sue! I'm trying to forge a new career for myself :D haha
      From Trish
