Thursday, 30 April 2020

Thursday 30th April

Ata Marie from Mrs Harding

Enjoy your final day of April and we look forward to seeing what wonderful things you all get up to.
Ka kite āno.


  1. Ata marie Mrs Harding! Lovely to see you this morning. I love your lego whanau. We extended our bubble too. My sister and baby niece Lily came over for dinner on Tuesday. Last time I saw Lily she was crawling and now she is walking!! Babies change a lot in only a few weeks!! Looking forawrd to seeing what Room 9 and 9a get up to today.
    Miss Robertson

  2. Good morning Mrs Harding. How wonderful to extend your bubble to your mum and dad. I bet you loved having such a special family meal together! From Miss White

  3. Hi Mrs Harding! Mum saw you running past our house the other day but I didnt see you becuase you were too fast. from JOrdan

    1. Oooh you will have to call out to me next time so that I can see you and wave back!

  4. Mrs Monaghan30/4/20 11:09 am

    Goodmorning Mrs Harding, so nice to see you this morning. How lovely you have extended your bubble, I'm sure your kids loved seeing their Grandparents again. Have a great day and stay safe!

  5. How excited you must have been to have a family dinner with your parents Mrs Harding! I think many of us are missing those connections with our whanau, so this is a great time to think about our family tree.

  6. How lovely to have your parents over for dinner. Your parents will have loved spending time with you all.
    I love your lego whanau and the family wagon too!
    From Mrs Burge
