Thursday, 30 April 2020

Student Learning 30.4.2020

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,

As you complete activities from your Distance Learning make sure you send a picture or video to us. We will be able to share it on this slideshow for you all to see what each other have been up to.

You can send your classmates some positive messages in the comment section below the slideshow with some help from your parents.

Check out what Hannah, Lucas and Lily have been up to!


  1. Mrs Churchill30/4/20 5:40 pm

    Kia ora Room 9 and 9a, it was lovely to see the busy things that some of you have been doing. What fun you looked to be having Lily in your truck made from boxes, my boys loved using boxes to make forts. Lucas and Hannah both have been making puzzles. How many pieces are there in your puzzles? Can you count them? Hannah has been doing the science experiment discovering what floats and what sinks. Was there anything similar about the things that floated or those that sank??
    Keep up the good work everyone.

  2. Great to see the wonderful pictures and writing that Hannah and Lucas have done. Your vehicle is amazing Lily! I love your imaginative ideas.

  3. Francesca Voykovich1/5/20 10:37 am

    Fantastic work Hannah, Lily and Lucas. You are all doing so well. Mrs V.

  4. It looks like you have a lovely garden to be able to collect all those lovely leaves and flowers to inspire your artwork, Hannah.
    I love eating oranges and doing puzzles too, Lucas. And Mrs Clyde enjoys making puzzles too.
    Wow! What a cool truck you have made from recycled boxes, Lily.
    From Mrs Smaill

  5. It is so very nice to see your cheeky smile again Hannah...ooh how I have missed seeing you all! I love dumplings Hannah and we love making them at home. What did you put inside your dumplings? Our favourite is pork and prawn. Lucas look at your neat writing! We are so happy that it is Winter coming as oranges grow very well in Winter and we love eating them! Lily - your truck you have made with Ella is INCREDIBLE. Such a lot of work has gone into this. How many wheels does it have altogether? Mahi pai Room 9/9a....Good work!

  6. I have loved looking at your Blog Room 9 and 9a and seeing all of your super learning from home. Hannah, I love your picture you have made with leaves. I wonder what things you discovered that float and sink around your house? Lily, your truck you made from recycled boxes is very creative. My boys have been busy creating with our recycling at home too. Lucas, well done for completing some puzzles. This is a great thing to do at home to keep you busy.

  7. That floating and sinking activity was very popular! Well done Hannah.
    What a fantastic sentence Lucas, I like oranges too!
    That is an awesome truck Lily! How clever of you and Ella!
    From Mrs Burge
