Monday, 20 April 2020

Student Learning 20.4.2020

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,

As you complete activities from your Distance Learning make sure you send a picture or video to us. We will be able to share it on this slideshow for you all to see what each other have been up to.

You can send your classmates some positive messages in the comment section below the slideshow with some help from your parents.

Check out what Lilly, Kyan and Hunter have been doing!


  1. Hi Lily, congratulations on your Reading! Kayan I am so impressed with you helping out in the kitchen and your art work looks so interesting.
    Hunter I love your bug jar - I could of done with that when I found a cricket in my house today. I definitely would like a diamond machine. You are so lucky to have one.

  2. So lovely to have a new person in our class. Welcome Lily and what an eager beaver you are sharing your learning already! Kyan and Hunter you have both been busy. I wonder what your favourite thing to cook is Kyan? Hunter - can you please pop some diamonds out of your machine for me!!!

  3. I loved watching Lilly reading her book and enjoyed all the animal noises! I see that Kyan and Hunter both did some work about bugs. I wonder if they found out any interesting facts about them.

  4. Alison Clyde21/4/20 11:09 am

    Awesome reading Lily, you made it really interesting by using all the different animal sounds.
    Cooking and bug hunting, Kyan and Hunter have been very busy.
    Mrs Clyde

  5. Oooh I would quite like some diamonds Hunter!
    You will be making Mummy very happy helping her in the kitchen Kyan.
    Lilly, I have asked Miss Robertson to please post your Reading video separately as I can't access it. I can't wait to see it.
    From Mrs Burge

  6. What busy beavers you are Kyan and Hunter! Keep up the awesome reading Lilly. From Miss White

  7. Great to see your online learning Hunter, Kyan and Lilly. I too would like some diamonds Hunter! Love the different animal sounds Lilly. I bet mummy appreciated your help Kyan

  8. Welcome to Lily, nice to see you joining room 9a. Thank you for all comments on Kyan, yes he keeps me on my toes during lockdown but sometimes gave a hand expectantly gosh haha....Good to see other kids are busy around too and hope we could learn and shine together while learning at home. Aroha xx

  9. Christy Traynor22/4/20 9:36 am

    Thank you all for the warm welcome, Lilly can't wait to start in room 9A. So cool to see what everyone is getting up to in their lockdown learning :) we are looking forward to meeting you all in person soon! p.s. sorry about all of our talking at the start of Lilly's story, it took me a while to cotton on to what she was doing haha.

  10. What super learning. I loved looking at the slide show of what you have been doing.
