Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Student Learning 29.4.2020

Hi Room 9 and 9a students and families,

As you complete activities from your Distance Learning make sure you send a picture or video to us. We will be able to share it on this slideshow for you all to see what each other have been up to.

You can send your classmates some positive messages in the comment section below the slideshow with some help from your parents.

Check out what Olivia, Kyan and Issy have been up to!


  1. Alison Clyde29/4/20 8:20 pm

    What busy bees you all ave been being scientist, baker, learning new facts about animals, gardner, mathematician, reader, keeping fit, making predictions, ornithologist (you might need to find out what this means).

  2. Wow 3 busy little bees in Room 9/9a. It's so nice to see your lovely smiley faces and sharing your learning with us all. I don't have chickens at home Kyan but I have 4 little children who seem to cluck around me all day!!! Hahaha! Wonderful work Issey and Olivia and Kyan.

  3. Mrs Monaghan30/4/20 11:15 am

    Olivia you have been so busy, hopscotch is a great game you can play on your own or with someone else, it will keep you busy and you'll be an expert at your left and right foot work! I really like your numbers you've been practicing on the chalk board, and your fantastic colouring in, it's hard to stay in the lines isn't it.

  4. You have all been working hard on so many different activities - baking, gardening, exercising, experimenting and researching! Great to see Olivia & Kyan practising numbers, writing their name and enjoying some books. The GEMS slide has lots of interesting things to do. How many native birds did you spot Issy? I have lots visiting my garden too. I love rhubarb mixed with yoghurt and frozen like a lolly in summer or in a crumble with custard in winter! Maybe you could try it in different ways too.

  5. Emily and Lydia have made cupcakes too Olivia! Don't tell your Nana but I ate far too many of them!!!
    Your mushroom plant is very kind growing you so many delicious mushrooms. I love mushrooms. I might have to start growing some too Kyan!
    You might grow up to be a scientist Issy! Awesome floating and sinking experiment!
    From Mrs Burge
