Thursday, 27 August 2020

Lockdown fun in Olivia A's house

 Olivia has been doing tricky puzzles! Check out her 2 photos with the Olaf puzzle, if you look from different angles he has moved! Lucky Olivia has a great eye for puzzles.

She also baked a carrot cake and wrote out the instructions.

Olivia has also been doing dance lessons via zoom which is also great for some P.E! 


  1. Way to go Olivia! I like your Olaf puzzle, I love the Frozen movies. Yum!!!!! That carrot cake looks so good! Fantastic recipe too! I bet it was interesting doing a dance class via zoom. Very cool!
    Miss Robertson

  2. Woo Hoo Olivia! I love your Frozen Olaf puzzle. That carrot cake looks so good that I think I might go and make one too! Great that you are keeping fit by doing a dance class via zoom!
