Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Fiona and Luca's learning

Watch this video of Fiona explaining all the details in her super duper drawing of Room 9!

Luca has been busy in the school bubble today.
He has drawn a pictures of his dog Stella and cat Leo.

Luca has been busy doing puzzles too.

He counted 72 pieces in the mermaid puzzle. Great counting Luca!

Luca has spelt his name and his brother and sister's name using bubble sticks.

Ka pai Fiona and Luca!



  1. I loved your video Fiona. Well done.
    Luca, you seem to be having an awesome time in the school bubble! Lucky lad!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. What a confident video from Fiona! You spoke very clearly and included lots of detail in both your picture and description. Well done.
    Luca is amazing at jigsaw puzzles and what a good idea to use the sticks to spell out some names. I like your illustrated writing too.

  3. Fiona I loved your video. Well done.
    Lovely to see you at school Luca and the learning you have been doing in the school bubble!
