Sunday, 9 August 2020

Measuring The Length Of Snakes

On Friday, we each drew a snake. We coloured it and cut it out. 

When they were all cut out, we sat on the mat and compared the length of each snake using mathematical language like longer than, shorter than, the same length etc. 

We loved talking about whether our snakes were longer or shorter than the others. We had to keep moving them around until we got them in the right place. 

Look how proud we are of our snakes.

Hazel's snake was the shortest and Lucas' snake was the longest!



  1. What a fun way to learn about measurement by comparing the length of each snake using mathematical language like longer than, shorter than or the same length. Your patterns are beautiful too.

  2. Such a lot of fabulous snakes! What a fun and interesting way to introduce some mathematical language, measurement and patterns.
