Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Welcome to Wednesday 26th August

 Morena, welcome to Wednesday 26th August, a wet and windy Wednesday!

It is not nice weather out there but it is a good time to get your school bag ready, make sure you have your uniform clean and ready for Monday too. 

Miss Robertson, Miss King, Mrs Harding, Miss Moa, Mr Smith and Whaea Tiana can't wait to see you all on Monday. We are getting super excited!


  1. Good Morning Mrs Burge and Room 9/9a. It is definitely a windy and wet Wednesday. It rained on me when I was out walking this morning which what not a wonderful start to my day. I cant wait to see everyone and their sun shining faces back at school next week. Have a super day!

  2. Kia ora Mrs Burge! Oh your doggie makes me laugh! Bonnie sure is smart being able to spell. We might have to give Bonie a sticker chart!! Haha. I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday too! That's a good idea packing your school bag, I haven't done that yet! I hope that you and Lydia stay dry today when you're delivering the papers! Have a lovely day.
    Miss Robertson

  3. SO many exciting activities Rooms 9 and 9a having been doing. Well done EVERYONE!

  4. Good morning Mrs Burge. I hope you can dodge the rain when you are out delivering papers today. I'm hoping to get out for a walk as well. I was thinking about walking up Mt Wellington if the weather doesn't get too bad. Have a lovely day.

  5. Ata marie Mrs Burge,
    Great minds think alike - I was talking about the PE and Health slide on my video today too. And I got a Cat Food sample in my letterbox that I put with my school basket to take to school for our adopted cat.
    Have a great day! Mrs Smaill

  6. Hi Mrs B....can't wait to see you for real next week! Tohu and I went out yesterday trying to dodge the rain but we weren't very successful.About 15 minutes into the walk the heavens opened and we got POURED on! It was rather fun actually because then Tohu was looking for puddles to zoom through! Hopefully today we can stay a bit drier though! Hope you have a great day.
