Monday, 24 August 2020

Distance Learning from Lucy, Noah, Indigo, Kayla, Aelene and Fiona

Lucy had a go at retelling the story of the Wishgranter. Lucy found this a bit challenging but she perservered and has done a fantasic job!

Noah has been doing some reading and story telling at home.

When the weather was brighter Noah and his family headed to the beach to look for crabs. That looks like a fun outing Noah!

 He told his mum some facts about monkeys and then he wrote them down.

Indigo has been learning about volcanoes and paper mache! Check out this awesome volcano she made with her Dad! 

Kayla has sepent some time outside on her scooter when the sun is out!

Kayla has been practising some spelling but writing words that start with 'f'.

Kayla has been doing lots of maths at home too with some really BIG numbers!! WOW! 

Aelene has been picking some grapefruit with her Grandpa today.
Yummy! How do you eat your grapefruit Aelene?

Fiona has been using the reading website Starfall at home.

Fiona also did an amazing drawing of Room 9 using so much detail. It's so nice to see your smiling face Fiona!

Here is Fiona reading her word cards and their sentences.

Thanks for all the fantastic work from home everyone! It was great to see so many of you at the Google Meet this morning!! I have missed your lovely smiley faces! 😍

Have a nice day!
Miss Robertson


1 comment:

  1. Wow. what an amazing class you have! I love all of the fabulous learning that is happening at home. I'm sure you were very happy to see their smiling faces again.
