Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Diwali with our Buddies

 On Friday 13th November, Room 9 ventured outside to make Rangoli art with our buddies from Room 1.

First we had to collect flowers, leaves and sticks. We walked around the end of the field, along the garden beside Room 1, then up to the nature walkway.  It didn’t take long to fill our containers.

After that, we sat outside the music room with our buddies and helped them to create a symmetrical piece of art.  We found this to be a very relaxing and ‘mindful’ activity to do on a hot Friday afternoon.

Monday, 16 November 2020

Whole School Assembly

We had a Whole School Assembly on Friday.

We had a Room 9 and 9a class photo to share our twins, triplets and quads dress up day outfits. 

Ali and Renee were so proud to receive a certificate in assembly. Well done guys!


Sunday, 15 November 2020

Hannah's Last Day

It was Hannah's last day at Sunnyhills School on Friday.
We made Hannah a card to wish her luck at her new school and to tell her how much we will miss her. 

Good luck at The Gardens School Hannah. Room 9a will miss your happy, smiley personality.

From Mrs Burge, Miss Robertson and all of Room 9 and 9a.


Helmet Safety Check

On Friday some of our travelwise leaders came to check that our helmets fitted us and were safe for the bike track.

They checked to see if they were sitting correctly on our heads.

Thank you for helping to keep us safe.

They corrected any helmets that were too loose or not sitting on our heads correctly.


Monday, 2 November 2020

Room 9 Communication Twins

In Room 9 we were also focussing on our Inquiry topic of Communication and have been practicing how to communicate clearly with each other. 

We had a go at sitting back to back with a buddy and giving them instructions to follow. We called this Communication Twins.

We used coloured rods and simple pictures which one person described to their buddy. The buddy then had to follow the instructions on how to create the same image without seeing it. 

Check out how we got on....

When we had compared images we had a chat about whether our communication was clear enough and also how we could improve.

It was lots of fun!

Communication Twins

Within our Inquiry topic of Communication we have been practicing how to communicate clearly with each other. 

We had a go at sitting back to back with a buddy and giving them instructions to follow. We called this Communication Twins.

We used coloured rods and simple pictures which one person described to their buddy. The buddy then had to follow the instructions on how to create the same image without seeing it. 

When we had compared images we had a chat about whether our communication was clear enough and also how we could improve.

It was lots of fun!

Sunday, 1 November 2020

The Giant Walk

On Friday the whole school enjoyed the Giant Walk to the Snakes and Ladders park.


Room 9 had their Room 1 Buddies and Room 9a had their Room 13 Buddies to walk with as well as lots of parents and grandparents.

It was awesome having the Police dog and Wanda the school bus walk with us!

We did really well walking all that way with our little legs!

Lucky we had Mrs Venville shining bright in the front with her fluro safety vest to guide the way!

Thank you to all the helpers on the day, it was lots of fun!