Welcome to Room 9 and 9a's blog for 2020. We are an energetic Year 0 and 1 class and our teachers are Mrs Burge, Miss Robertson and Mrs Harding. We are looking forward to working together and learning lots of exciting and new things this year! Check our blog regularly to see what we have been up to. We would love to read your comments.
Friday, 25 September 2020
Room 9 and 9a Poetry Festival Finalists
End of Term 3 Teacher video
We made it through another disrupted term!
Mrs Burge, Miss Robertson and Miss Moa are so proud of how much progress you have made and how well we have adjusted to the new 'normal'.
Talking on a telephone is communicating
Communicating using Sign Language
We have been learning how to sign the first letters of our name.
Look at how we sign it.
Can you sign the first letter of your name too?
Chinese dragon masks
We made Chinese dragons in Room 9a with Miss Moa.
We loved making them and learning about Chinese Language during Chinese Language Week.
Goodbye Miss Moa - We will miss you
Crispy Kreme Doughnuts
Today we thoroughly enjoyed the doughnuts from crispy Kreme to raise money for Starship to raise money for babies who are sick or hurt.
Friday, 18 September 2020
Spring is on it's way
Spring is on it's way. We have painted some beautiful Cherry Blossom Trees because they are starting to flower right now.
Have you seen the beautiful cherry blossom trees that have been planted in our new Chinese garden at the front of the school?
Writing a Postcard
As part of our Inquiry we decided to write a postcard to a friend.
Our postcards are handing in our classroom so we can read them.
Did you know that writing is a way of communicating with other people?
You could send a postcard or a letter to a friend to communicate with them too.
Communication - We can communicate by talking
What would you say to your friend if you were talking to each other?