Friday, 13 March 2020

We are bucket fillers!!!

In Room 9a we have been working hard at filling each others bucket!

When we do the tight things in Room 9a, Mrs Burge, Miss Robertson or Mrs Harding give us a pom pom to put in our bucket.

On Thursday our buckets were full of pom poms! We were allowed to have a few minutes on the Boat Playground to celebrate! 


  1. It is amazing to see everyone trying so hard to be kind, helpful and fill each other's buckets. When you show Miss Roberston and I 5 on the mat by sitting with tidy legs, eyes looking, ears listening, hands still and lips zipped it makes us happy, then when you add a smile your really fills our buckets!

  2. I bet your buckets will be so full because you will all be kind and caring towards each other and using our Empathy GEM.
